Cold Face Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1f976
- Symbol
- 🥶
- 🥶
🥶 Emoji Pictures
🥶 Meaning: Cold Face
🥶 This emoticon demonstrates that you are so cold that you turn blue and covered with frost, and your teeth are tapping the drum roll - all it means that you are frozen to death. All you dreams is to get a warm place as fast as possible and have a cup of hot tea, or maybe even take a hot bath. Perhaps there is someone who can replace all this only with his ardent embrace?
Cold Face Emoji was approved as part of Unicode 11.0 standard in 2018 with a U+1F976 codepoint and currently is listed in 😀 Smileys & Emotion category. Use symbol 🥶 to copy and paste Cold Face Emoji or 🥶 code for HTML. This emoji has no gender or skin tone variations. Cold Face emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Cold Face
- Symbol
- 🥶
- Codepoint
- U+1f976
- Shortcode
- :cold_face:
- Category
- Smileys & Emotion
- Keywords
- smiley (92) • cold (36) • freezing (30) • winter (29) • snow (14) • ice cube (7) • freeze (6) • grimace (5)
- Windows Alt-code
- Alt+1f976
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🥶
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🥶
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xdd76
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%A5%B6
- Version
- Unicode 11.0
- Year
- 2018
🥶 International Names
- 🥶 Cold Face (blue-faced, cold, freezing, frostbite, icicles) – English
- 🥶 Frierendes Gesicht (Eiszapfen, frieren, Frostbeule, kalt) – Deutsch
- 🥶 Visage Bleu Et Froid (froid, gelure, glacial, glaçon) – Français
- 🥶 Мерзнет (замерз, морозно, посинел, холодно) – Русский
- 🥶 Cara Con Frío (cara congelada, congelado, frío, helado) – Español
- 🥶 Faccina Congelata (faccina blu, freddo, gelone, ipotermia) – Italiano
- 🥶 Rosto Gelado (congelando, frio, gélido, glacial, rosto azul de frio) – Português
- 🥶 Zmarznięta Twarz (mróz, niebieska twarz, odmrożenie, sopel lodu, zimno) – Polski