Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1f91e U+1f3fb
- Symbol
- 🤞🏻
- 🤞🏻
🤞🏻 Emoji Pictures
🤞🏻 Meaning: Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone
🤞🏻 Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone Emoji was approved as part of Emoji 3.0 standard in 2016 with a U+1F91E U+1F3FB codepoint and currently is listed in 👍 People & Body category. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Crossed Fingers Emoji meaning. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them ;-). Use symbol 🤞🏻 to copy and paste Crossed Fingers Emoji or 🤞🏻 code for HTML. This emoji has skin tone variations, see them bellow. Crossed Fingers emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone
- Symbol
- 🤞🏻
- Codepoint
- U+1f91e U+1f3fb
- Shortcode
- :fingers_crossed_tone1:
- Category
- People & Body
- Keywords
- donald trump (28) • hope (25) • luck (23) • irish (16) • cross (12)
- Windows Alt-code
- n/a
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🤞🏻
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🤞🏻
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xdd1e 0xd83c 0xdffb
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%A4%9E%F0%9F%8F%BB
- Version
- Emoji 3.0
- Year
- 2016
🤞🏻 Emoji Variants
Crossed Fingers
🤞🏻Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone
🤞🏼Crossed Fingers: Medium-Light Skin Tone
🤞🏽Crossed Fingers: Medium Skin Tone
🤞🏾Crossed Fingers: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🤞🏿Crossed Fingers: Dark Skin Tone
🤞🏻 International Names
- 🤞🏻 Crossed Fingers: Light Skin Tone (cross, crossed fingers, finger, hand, light skin tone, luck) – English
- 🤞🏻 Hand Mit Gekreuzten Fingern: Helle Hautfarbe (Finger, gekreuzt, Hand, Hand mit gekreuzten Fingern, helle Hautfarbe) – Deutsch
- 🤞🏻 Doigts Croisés : Peau Claire (croisés, doigts, main, peau claire) – Français
- 🤞🏻 Скрещенные Пальцы: Очень Светлый Тон Кожи (жест удачи, очень светлый тон кожи, пальцы, скрестить, скрещенные пальцы, удача) – Русский
- 🤞🏻 Dedos Cruzados: Tono De Piel Claro (cruzar, dedos, dedos cruzados, mano, suerte, tono de piel claro) – Español
- 🤞🏻 Dita Incrociate: Carnagione Chiara (carnagione chiara, dita, dita incrociate, fortuna, incrociare, mano) – Italiano
- 🤞🏻 Dedos Cruzados: Pele Clara (cruzados, dedos, mão, pele clara, sorte) – Português
- 🤞🏻 Skrzyżowane Palce: Karnacja Jasna (karnacja jasna, kciuki, powodzenia, skrzyżowane palce, trzymać) – Polski