Face Holding Back Tears Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1f979
- Symbol
- 🥹
- 🥹
🥹 Emoji Pictures
🥹 Meaning: Face Holding Back Tears
🥹 Face Holding Back Tears Emoji was approved as part of Unicode 14.0 standard in 2021 with a U+1F979 codepoint and currently is listed in 😀 Smileys & Emotion category. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Face Holding Back Tears Emoji meaning. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them ;-). Use symbol 🥹 to copy and paste Face Holding Back Tears Emoji or 🥹 code for HTML. This emoji has no gender or skin tone variations. Face Holding Back Tears emoji is not so new, but some old devices can't display it properly. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Face Holding Back Tears
- Symbol
- 🥹
- Codepoint
- U+1f979
- Shortcode
- Category
- Smileys & Emotion
- Keywords
- proud (75) • angry (66) • cry (8)
- Windows Alt-code
- Alt+1f979
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🥹
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🥹
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xdd79
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%A5%B9
- Version
- Unicode 14.0
- Year
- 2021
🥹 International Names
- 🥹 Face Holding Back Tears (angry, cry, proud, resist, sad) – English
- 🥹 Gesicht, Das Tränen Zurückhält (aufgebracht, Gesicht, stolz, Tränen zurückhalten, traurig, weinen) – Deutsch
- 🥹 Visage Retenant Ses Larmes (ému, gratitude, pleurs, retenir ses larmes, triste) – Français
- 🥹 Еле Сдерживает Слезы (гордость, грусть, злость, сдерживаться, слезы) – Русский
- 🥹 Cara Aguantándose Las Lágrimas (emoción, emocionado, llorar, orgulloso, resistir, triste) – Español
- 🥹 Faccina Che Trattiene Le Lacrime (arrabbiato, fiero, piangere, resistere, triste) – Italiano
- 🥹 Rosto Segurando As Lágrimas (chorar, com raiva, orgulhoso, resistir, triste) – Português
- 🥹 Twarz Powstrzymująca Łzy (duma, opór, płacz, smutna twarz, zdenerwowanie) – Polski