Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1f9d1 U+1f3ff U+200d U+1f9b3
- Symbol
- 🧑🏿🦳
- 🧑🏿‍🦳
🧑🏿🦳 Emoji Pictures
🧑🏿🦳 Meaning: Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏿🦳 Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair Emoji was approved as a part of Emoji 12.1 standard in 2019 and currently is listed in 👍 People & Body category. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Person Emoji meaning. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them ;-). Use symbol 🧑🏿🦳 to copy and paste Person Emoji. This emoji can be both different genders and different skin tone, see options below. Person emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
- Symbol
- 🧑🏿🦳
- Codepoint
- U+1f9d1 U+1f3ff U+200d U+1f9b3
- Shortcode
- Category
- People & Body
- Keywords
- gender-neutral (42) • white hair (18)
- Windows Alt-code
- n/a
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🧑🏿‍🦳
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🧑🏿‍🦳
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xddd1 0xd83c 0xdfff 0x200d 0xd83e 0xddb3
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%A7%91%F0%9F%8F%BF%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%A6%B3
- Version
- Emoji 12.1
- Year
- 2019
🧑🏿🦳 Emoji Variants
Man: White Hair
👨🏻🦳Man: Light Skin Tone, White Hair
👨🏼🦳Man: Medium-Light Skin Tone, White Hair
👨🏽🦳Man: Medium Skin Tone, White Hair
👨🏾🦳Man: Medium-Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
👨🏿🦳Man: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
👩🦳Woman: White Hair
👩🏻🦳Woman: Light Skin Tone, White Hair
👩🏼🦳Woman: Medium-Light Skin Tone, White Hair
👩🏽🦳Woman: Medium Skin Tone, White Hair
👩🏾🦳Woman: Medium-Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
👩🏿🦳Woman: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🦳Person: White Hair
🧑🏻🦳Person: Light Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏼🦳Person: Medium-Light Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏽🦳Person: Medium Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏾🦳Person: Medium-Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏿🦳Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
🧑🏿🦳 International Names
- 🧑🏿🦳 Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair (adult, dark skin tone, gender-neutral, person, unspecified gender, white hair) – English
- 🧑🏿🦳 Person: Dunkle Hautfarbe, Weißes Haar (dunkle Hautfarbe, erwachsene Person, geschlechtsneutral, Mensch, ohne eindeutiges Geschlecht, Person, weißes Haar) – Deutsch
- 🧑🏿🦳 Adulte : Peau Foncée Et Cheveux Blancs (adulte, cheveux blancs, genre neutre, peau foncée) – Français
- 🧑🏿🦳 Взрослый: Очень Темный Тон Кожи Седые Волосы (взрослый, гендерно нейтральный, очень темный тон кожи, седые волосы, совершеннолетний) – Русский
- 🧑🏿🦳 Persona Adulta: Tono De Piel Oscuro Y Pelo Blanco (género, neutro, pelo blanco, persona adulta, tono de piel oscuro) – Español
- 🧑🏿🦳 Persona: Carnagione Scura E Capelli Bianchi (adulto, capelli bianchi, carnagione scura, persona) – Italiano
- 🧑🏿🦳 Pessoa: Pele Escura E Cabelo Branco (adulto, cabelo branco, gênero não especificado, pele escura, pessoa) – Português
- 🧑🏿🦳 Dorosły: Karnacja Ciemna I Białe Włosy (białe włosy, dorosły, karnacja ciemna, płeć neutralna) – Polski