Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji
- Codepoint
- U+1f91b U+1f3fd
- Symbol
- 🤛🏽
- 🤛🏽
🤛🏽 Emoji Pictures
🤛🏽 Meaning: Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone
🤛🏽 Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji was approved as part of Emoji 3.0 standard in 2016 with a U+1F91B U+1F3FD codepoint and currently is listed in 👍 People & Body category. You may click images above to enlarge them and better understand Left-Facing Fist Emoji meaning. Sometimes these pictures are ambiguous and you can see something else on them ;-). Use symbol 🤛🏽 to copy and paste Left-Facing Fist Emoji or 🤛🏽 code for HTML. This emoji has skin tone variations, see them bellow. Left-Facing Fist emoji is mature enough and should work on all devices. You can get similar and related emoji at the bottom of this page.
- Emoji name
- Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone
- Symbol
- 🤛🏽
- Codepoint
- U+1f91b U+1f3fd
- Shortcode
- :left_facing_fist_tone3:
- Category
- People & Body
- Keywords
- hello (135) • hi (134) • victory (43) • win (37) • friend (36) • punch (28) • fist (24) • hit (23) • pow (22) • leftwards (6)
- Windows Alt-code
- n/a
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🤛🏽
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🤛🏽
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xd83e 0xdd1b 0xd83c 0xdffd
- Encoded URL
- %F0%9F%A4%9B%F0%9F%8F%BD
- Version
- Emoji 3.0
- Year
- 2016
🤛🏽 Emoji Variants
Left-Facing Fist
🤛🏻Left-Facing Fist: Light Skin Tone
🤛🏼Left-Facing Fist: Medium-Light Skin Tone
🤛🏽Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone
🤛🏾Left-Facing Fist: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
🤛🏿Left-Facing Fist: Dark Skin Tone
🤛🏽 International Names
- 🤛🏽 Left-Facing Fist: Medium Skin Tone (fist, left-facing fist, leftwards, medium skin tone) – English
- 🤛🏽 Faust Nach Links: Mittlere Hautfarbe (Faust, Faust nach links, mittlere Hautfarbe, nach links) – Deutsch
- 🤛🏽 Poing À Gauche : Peau Légèrement Mate (gauche, main, peau légèrement mate, poing, poing à gauche) – Français
- 🤛🏽 Кулак Влево: Средний Тон Кожи (влево, кулак, средний тон кожи) – Русский
- 🤛🏽 Puño Hacia La Izquierda: Tono De Piel Medio (izquierda, puño, puño hacia la izquierda, tono de piel medio) – Español
- 🤛🏽 Pugno a Sinistra: Carnagione Olivastra (carnagione olivastra, pugno, pugno a sinistra, sinistra) – Italiano
- 🤛🏽 Punho Esquerdo: Pele Morena (esquerdo, pele morena, punho, soco) – Português
- 🤛🏽 Pięść Skierowana W Lewo: Karnacja Średnia (cios, karnacja średnia, pięść, pięść skierowana w lewo, uderzenie z prawej) – Polski